What will your church be doing this Reformation Day, October 31st? For so many Halloween presents a dilemma, what do you do with a holiday with roots in the occult? It would be something like walking home late at night, past a grave yard, you notice that there is a celebration going with people dressed in death-glorifying or satanic costumes, beckoning you to come in and join them. You rush home with a sense that something is VERY wrong. You are not surprised to learn that Halloween is now the most celebrated holiday of the year in our government schools (since Christmas and Easter are BIG no-no’s). You will see the signs of the event on schoolhouse windows and you can expect large celebrations of this occultic day. Even a cursory look at the origins of Halloween will reveal satanic rituals played out in trick and treating, jack-o-lanterns, witches, ghosts, the dead and on and on. If you've ever taken time to research any of these Halloween practices you'll see the satanic background from the Celtic tribes of Scotland and Ireland.

Understanding the History of Halloween

Caryl was born and raised in Calcutta, India, and was surrounded by Eastern mysticism, Islam, and Hinduism. Her deep understanding of these influences enables Caryl to counsel Westerners victimized by the occult groups.

While some have concerns of the origins of Halloween, it has become a socially acceptable tradition in our culture to dress up as a witch, ghost, or vampire. Some go as far as visiting a cemetery at night or playing with Ouija boards. Halloween brings in billions of dollars of revenue. With its symbols of death, it is more than just child’s play. It is an important holiday to occultists. Every Halloween night, children and animals are sacrificially offered to pagan gods. Many of the Halloween symbols and activities are rooted in the occult. Trick-or-treat is a Celtic tradition where people gave food in return for blessings from spirits of the dead. Jack-o-lanterns came from the druidic practice of carving the faces of demonic spirits on turnips and later on pumpkins. A carved pumpkin or skull at a home signified that the occupants were sympathetic to satan and would receive mercy by the spirits on their Halloween rounds. The most disturbing practice was the human sacrifices that occurred at midnight. Children and adults would be thrown into fires, and by morning, all that would be left were bones (those were called bone fires). Today we have what are known as bonfires. Druids believed that black cats were reincarnations of the evil dead and were possessed with supernatural powers. Bobbing for apples was part of the druidic new year sexual divination ceremony for fertility. Broomsticks were considered phallic symbols.

Satanic Rituals Halloween customs can be historically traced to pagan superstitions celebrating the Druid new year, or Samhain (pronounced sah-ween). The Druids were influential priests, magicians, and sorcerers of the nature religions that prevailed in early northern Europe. The new year was seen as a time when the dividing line between the dead and the living was at its thinnest and contact with spirit beings was thought to be easiest. Samhain was also one of the major fire festivals of the Celts. Druid priests led people in diabolical worship ceremonies where they would sacrifice humans and animals in ritual killings. These native beliefs permeated Celtic culture for about 2,000 years up until the introduction of Christianity. Today there is a revival of the practices of Druidism and witchcraft, which is sweeping across Europe and North America. It involves people from all walks of life. Druids, originally from the Greek word meaning "oak," select groves of oaks for their ceremonies and use the leaves in their sacred rites. Halloween is often confused as a Christian holiday because of its association with All Saints Day. The original Christian dedication was celebrated in May and honored those who died for their faith. By the 9th century, the Catholic church changed the holiday to November and the Protestant church soon followed. Today a thin Christian veil attempts to disguise an ancient pagan festival of the dead, which has become the most favored holy day for witches, sorcerers, and devil worshipers. "Halloween is the religion of satan," says Caryl. Christians should stand up against this holiday and churches should not be having Halloween parties at all. "Whether the public chooses to believe in the frightening growth of satanism or not, the fact is that there is a highly organized network of satanists operating today," says Caryl. Deuteronomy 18 spells out God’s position concerning man’s participation in divination. Whoever does this is detestable to the Lord. By participating in the customs of Halloween, whether in fun or in ignorance, we are continuing the practices that have been consecrated to satan. Christians can use the night to educate themselves on the dangers of satanism and pray against the evil forces of the world.

witchcraft and sorcery

Use of alleged supernatural powers, usually to control people or events. Sorcery is sometimes distinguished from witchcraft in that sorcery may be practiced by anyone with the appropriate knowledge, using charms, spells, or potions, whereas witchcraft is considered to result from inherent mystical power and to be practiced by invisible means. Modern witches, however, claim that their craft is learned, and therefore another distinction between witchcraft and sorcery is that sorcery is always used with evil intent. Controversies over witchcraft and sorcery have been especially prevalent in close-knit communities experiencing decline or misfortune and embroiled in petty social conflict and scapegoating. In ancient Greece, witchcraft was mentioned as early as Homer (see Circe). The best-known sorceress in Classical times was the legendary Medea. The Roman Horace describes two witches in his Satires. The Bible contains several references to witches, notably the Witch of Endor consulted by Saul (1 Samuel 28). The early Church Fathers held that witchcraft was a delusion and denounced its practice. In the Middle Ages, witchcraft was believed to involve demonic possession. It was also associated with heresy and so came within the scope of the Inquisition. In the 20th century the modern witchcraft movement, Wicca, was established and promoted respect for nature and a pantheistic worldview. Belief in witchcraft is apparent in traditional societies throughout the world. The Navajo protect themselves against witches with sand or pollen paintings, and in African societies people seek aid from medical doctors and witch doctors, the former for treatment of the “external” causes of the illness and the latter for the “internal”.

incubus and succubus

Demons (male and female, respectively) who seek to have sexual intercourse with sleeping humans.

In medieval Europe some believed that union with an incubus resulted in the birth of witches, demons, and deformed human offspring. Merlin was said to have been fathered by an incubus.

sor·cery: the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits especially for divining: NECROMANCY: MAGIC

the practice of determining the hidden significance or cause of events, sometimes foretelling the future, by various natural, psychological, and other techniques. Found in all civilizations, both ancient and modern, it is encountered most frequently in contemporary mass society in the form of horoscopes, astrology, crystal gazing, tarot cards, and the Ouija…
mag·ic: the use of means (as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces: magic rites or incantations: an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source: something that seems to cast a spell : ENCHANTMENT: the art of producing illusions by sleight of hand


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