SHALOM Welcome to Joy Ministries Intl.  People Experiencing the Realm of Gods Glory








  NEWS  4 Kinds of Destruction Coming to America By Kim Kraemer on Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 2:23pm

            Another earthquake in Israel      10-3-05

 The second earthquake in less than 30 days has hit Israel today, both in the Jordan Valley just north of Jericho, but what I find most interesting it is where the branch comes off the Syrian-African rift that runs from Syria through Lebanon, Israel and Jordan and down into Africa where it runs up to Jerusalem through the Mount of Olives.  They were both registered at 4.3 not large, but large enough to be felt by a lot of us, what makes it important is they have come so close together.   An article I wrote a couple years ago will explain why I think it's important. 

Shalom, jerry golden   

NEWS   2006

Outrage Misplaced?  PROPHET HAL LINDSEY2.gif (3282 bytes)

It appears that HizbAllah has scored a major propaganda triumph through a callously staged carnage of women and children in Qana, Lebanon. You may think this is just another prejudiced attempt at propaganda in favor of Israel. But before you draw that conclusion, consider these established facts:
Read Full Story
Email Hal


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America At War 8/4/2006
• Nasserallah Declares Open War on U.S.

Hizballah officially declared an open-ended war on the United States last night during a formal pre-recorded speech of its leader Sheikh Hassan Nasserallah, who said Israel was little more than a pawn in the hands of America. Beyond the oratorical flourishes and psychological warfare, Sheikh Nasserallah’s hour-long speech was the clearest sign yet that he was preparing his own people for military setbacks, tactical shifts, and strategic changes. 
Source Article: FrontPage Magazine


From current DEBKA-Net-Weekly
    Issue 264, August 04, 2006


Last-Minute Bulletin
Iran Gives Hizballah Missiles to strike Israel’s Dimona Nuclear Reactor
The reactor is buried underground and protected by anti-missile defenses, but just sending an Islamic missile against Israel’s nuclear installations would give Hizballah a huge boost.
Paris Ditches Washington on LebanonNEWS
France Has Instead Teamed up with Iran
France has jumped onto Iran’s anti-American wagon. Chirac is maneuvering for a slice of influence in Lebanon after grabbing the diplomatic initiative for a Lebanon solution from Washington.

Israel at WarNEWS
The IDF High Command: A Second Round May Be Inevitable
Israel’s generals accuse Olmert and Peretz of using the first half of their plan for a campaign against Hizballah and dropping the key half.
Russian Troops Quit GeorgiaNEWS
But their Heavy Weapons Are Diverted to… Iran
June 23, 2006
The early Russian pull-back from its Georgia bases is used for a undercover massive clearance sale of war materiel to Iran. Putin is not a-feared of Washington’s ire as the loaded trucks and rail cars move across Armenia.

The Damascus-Tehran-Moscow AxisNEWS
A Military Collaboration Pivoting on Syria
June 23, 2006
As Iran invests heavily in Syria’s military industry and equips its armed forces with state-of-the-art weaponry, Russia builds two submarine-capable naval bases in Syria’s Tartus and Latakia ports.

Israel’s Multiple WarfrontsNEWS
The Armed Forces Are Constrained by a Shortage of Drones for More than One
July 14, 2006
This shortage exposed northern Israel to a battery of 100 rockets in one day. The Olmert government is also prone to shifting its objectives.

Iran’s Nuclear Timeline ReassessedNEWS
The Date for a Bomb Is Brought Forward to 2009-2010
June 30, 2006
Iran is still cheating, prevaricating and secretly in the market for and producing weapons-grade uranium and nuclear warheads for missiles.

Iran’s 15-Point Nuclear ManifestoNEWS
Each Point a Hardening of Position
July 07, 2006
No incentives package can compensate Iran for giving up nuclear enrichment – that is the gist of the document.


Temple Mount Will Now Be Closed to Non-Muslim Visitors on Tisha Be'av
Etgar Lefkovitz / AH (Aug 3, 2006)

Due to concerns over an outbreak of violence, police in Jerusalem have decided to close the Temple Mount to Christians and Jews on Thursday.

Temple Mount The Jerusalem Post reports the decision was made after receiving intelligence that "thousands of Muslims were planning to flock to the site to 'protect' it from Jews who were planning to visit on Tisha Be'av."

A court ruling had been made, just two days prior to the police decision, which would have allowed the Jewish "Temple Mount Faithful" group to visit the site on Tisha Be'av.



Police in England Turning to Prayer to Tackle Crime
Ruth Gledhill/TN (Aug 4, 2006)
A "spiritual" version of Neighborhood Watch. British Police The Times UK reports that police in Lincolnshire are turning to prayer in their latest efforts to tackle crime, saying that the force is asking churchgoers to concentrate their prayers on crimes such as burglaries and violent attacks.


Called The Prayer Watch, a "spiritual" version of Neighborhood Watch, it was proposed by members of the Lincolnshire branch of the Christian Police Association. According to reporter Ruth Gledhill, the plan is for the police to e-mail churches and Christian groups with details of specific crimes, which worshippers can then focus on in their prayers.


NEWS  I Hope this alarms you!NEWS


If you are seeing more Moslems in your area you should be concerned, for as long as they stay in groups or small areas together all is usually well. But when they begin to move out into non Moslem areas the take over has begun. Let me give you a few examples of what I have observed. Here in Israel back in the 70’s and 80’s the Moslems were concentrated in Jericho, Hebron, Nablus, Ramallah and in small villages throughout Judea and Samaria. Bethlehem was predominately Christian Arabs (Mostly Greek Orthodox) But somewhere in the early 80’s they began to move from Hebron into Bethlehem and started intimidating the Christian Arabs, today over 85% of the population of Bethlehem is now Moslems. The surrounding villages like Bet Sahour and Bet Jellah were also Christian but have now been taken over by the Moslems. Nazareth is now being taken over by the Moslems. In fact I think there are more Arab Christians from Bethlehem and Bet Jellah living in Argentina than in Israel today.

If you have been watching the news about the war we are now fighting both here in Israel and in Lebanon you will notice that all the shots of the refugees in Lebanon are Moslems. But if you would have had shots of those same neighborhoods 20 or 25 years ago they wouldn’t have been hardly any Moslems, they would have been Arab Christians who were then the majority in Lebanon but not today.

Take another example but with a little twist, in Gaze just 5 years ago you would not have seen the women dress as if they belonged to the Talaban, the "Palestinian" women dress with normal dress, and for the most part were not very religious at all. But today Gaze is turning into another Talaban state, thanks to Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert and their Disengagement.

Something else to take notice of, once this happens in an area you can forget the Democratic vote, for once these people get totally brainwashed with the evil teaching of the Koran they will always vote in favor of Islamic values, if values is the right word.. It should also be understood that once this brainwashing occurs from that point on there is no diplomatic solution, they simply feel it is their sworn duty to either convert the people of the Book (Jews & Christians) or kill them and they would much prefer the latter.

This war we are fighting reminds me of the 1981 bombing of the Iraqi nuclear reactor. The whole world condemned Israel for doing that but today they are very thankful that we did. Now we find ourselves fighting a war that is not ours alone but one for the safeguard of the western world and it’s Christian values. It seems that everyone in the US and the EU are so focused on al-Qaida that they don’t realize who or what Hizbullah is a much larger Terrorist Organization than al-Qaida. Hizbullah is financed and armed by Iran, and they have branches around the world and are far more organized than al-Qaida is, that is not to say al-Qaida isn’t dangerous, we found that out in 9/11. But if Israel should be forced to accept a premature cease fire Hizbullah will be seen as the victor throughout the Arab world and recruits will flow in by the millions all backed by Iranian oil money.


Folks we are seeing anti-Semitism spreading around the entire world like never seen before, and it will only take one major terrorist attack in either the US or Europe to cause the anti-Semitic to put all the blame on the Jews, saying if it wasn’t for Israel this wouldn’t be happening to us, if fact that is being said in far to many cities right now. Jew in the UK are being beaten, kicked and spit on, they are frightened to even go to the Synagogues for fear of being bombed. In the middle of a war we had the largest one day Aliyah from France ever, and tens of thousands more ready to come. Jews in the US are beginning to feel the persecution like never before. I will say this again, it will only take one commercial plane shot out of the sky coming into or out of Israel to stop all flights making boats the only possible way for European Jews to get here. And Jews in the US will only be able to fly into certain places in Europe where they can be also be picked up by boats and brought to Israel.

My plans are to make a trip in the next few days and see if we can buy the boat we so badly need, God has shown me several times that we needed a larger boat and it was necessary to raise the needed finances. We may have the finances to buy the boat, but not what it will take to finish the deal and bring it to Israel and then there is the maintenance and many other expenses but we know we have heard form God and it is now time for us to make that move, I am asking every lover of Israel and the Jews to pray with me about this ministry, never have any of us ever had such a calling as this and the importance is far beyond words.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for our son Joel and all the IDF soldiers, pray for this Ministry and your part in it. Shalom, jerry golden

A Jewish Calendar!

All the regular supporters of this Ministry should have received their Jewish calendar by now. There are about 100 left that I can offer to those who would like to have one. It has the time for all the major cities in the US for lighting the Sabbath Candles, and the Parashiot & Haftorah (The Jewish way to read the Tenach (Old Testament) in one year) and of course all the Jewish and American Holidays. This calendar has a different beautiful 8" x 10" picture of Israel, for each month.

Rosh Ha Shana (Jewish New Year) begins this year on September 23rd. Or when the sun goes down on 22nd. (Tishrei 1)

If you didn’t get one and would like to have one while they last, send a love gift of a "minimum" $20 to the above address asking for one, and we will mail it right out to you.

If you have been a regular supporter of this Ministry over the past year and did not receive a calendar please let me know so we can correct that mistake. This is truly a beautiful calendar. I know you will love it.

Shalom, The Golden family

#196 - NEWS

Things you should know about Qana messinews
Aug 1, 2006

#196 DATELINE 01/08/2006

Shalom Chaverim

Yes I know we are just about to leave but felt you should these emails in your hands.

The first two are about Qana from Naomi Regan and another forwarded, thanks very much John, which underlines the first. Finally an up to the minute report on anti-Semitism from Jack Kinsella.

Keep praying.   Back ASAP.           Stafford

A few things journalists might want to check out, re:Qana. 

1.  The men parading around with dead children dressed as "rescue workers" are the same man, photographed again and again. He's the main actor. ( ml)

2.  The same man was caught in similar photos in 1996 parading around with a dead child, which means that he is a professional dead-child parader, a very prestigious job that has been created by terrorists concerned about CNN's ratings.

3.  A Lebanese blog says that Hezbollah filled the house in Qana with crippled children who couldn't run away.  It then placed a rocket launcher above them, and waited.( <>

4. Another possibility - the bodies may be the same ones paraded around in Tyre a few days before for the benefit of CNN ( /07/a_tyre_for_qana.html).

5. If these things don't sound possible to you, that no one could be that callous or horrible, then let me remind you of Beslan, where hundreds of children were held hostage on the first day of school, the little girls raped, and then the building exploded.   Might I remind you of the terrorist massacre of Israeli children in Maalot.   Might I remind you of the flying of several passenger planes filled with women and children into skyscrapers.  Terrorists are not nice people.  Other questions: How did that building alone have so many people when other buildings had none? And why so many children? And why not a single man? And why, dafka, the building in which they stored the rocket launchers? Why would people have chosen to huddle there against the bombs instead of somewhere else unless they were forced to?

And what about the gap of eight hours between the bombing and the explosion?

Inquiring minds want to know.  Isn't that what journalists used to do, dig beneath the obvious to get the truth instead of guzzling down and regurgitating staged propaganda like so much draft beer in a cheap bar? And another question, if the death of children is being staged for the benefit of CNN, then isn't CNN responsible for their deaths?

For more articles,please visit my Web page at:


OUTRAGEOUS. Somehow, when I saw this on CNN,and the antisemetic b.b.c, something told me:  "those bodies are being used as dummies".  That, my friend, is the HOLY SPIRIT.  He will give us discernment as we progress. 

 Hisbollah.  I hope we'll be standing by the river-shore when their Judgement will be pronounced by our Beloved One YESHUA.  He's coming sooon Stafford.  Don't give up.  We'll all be beautiful, shining like diamonds in the sky!  :-)

Love you my brother~!  From: john posnett

Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 3:41 PM

Hezbollywood? Evidence mounts that Qana collapse and deaths were staged
By Reuven Koret  July 31, 2006
It was to be a perfect Hollywood ending for Hezbollah. Just as the Israeli bombing of the village of Qana in 1996 brought a premature end to Israel's Operation "Grapes of Wrath," so too a sequel of Qana II could change, once and for all, the direction of Israel's current summer blockbuster, "Change of Direction." Ten years ago, world condemnation of an errant Israeli shell that hit a civilian compound forced then-PM Shimon Peres to curtail the offensive against terror bases.

The setting was also perfect: Kana was again being used as a primary site for launching rockets against Israeli cities. The IDF reported that more than 150 rockets had been launched from Qana and its vicinity at Israeli civilians, wreaking destruction in Kiryat Shmona, Maalot, Nahariya and Haifa. It was only a matter of time before the Israeli Air Force would come for a visit, using pinpoint targeting of the sites used to launch rockets, Hezbollah logistical centers and weapon storage facilities.

On the morning of July 30, according to the IDF, the air force came in three waves. In the first, between midnight and one in the morning, there was a strike at or near the building that eventually collapsed. There was a second strike at other targets far from the collapse building several hours later, and a third strike at around 7:30 in the morning. There too the nearest hit was some 460 meters away, according to the IDF. But first reports of a building collapse came only around 8 am.

Thus there was an unexplained 7 to 8 hour gap between the time of the helicopter strike and the building collapse. Brigadier General Amir Eshel, Head of the Air Force Headquarters, in a press briefing, told journalists that "the attack on the structure in the Qana village took place between midnight and one in the morning. The gap between the timing of the collapse of the building and the time of the strike on it is unclear."

Gen. Eshel appeared genuinely mystified by the gap in time. He "I'm saying this very carefully, because at this time I don't have a clue as to what the explanation could be for this gap," he added.

The army's only explanation was that somehow there was unexploded Hezbollah ordnance in the building that only detonated much later.

"It could be that inside the building, things that could eventually cause an explosion were being housed, things that we could not blow up in the attack, and maybe remained there, Brigadier General Eshel said.

Eshel reported that as recently as two days ago, military intelligence reported the building area had been used by the terrorists for storage or firing of weapons. It was a bad place to cram dozens of women and children.

There are other mysteries. The roof of the building was intact. Journalist Ben Wedeman of CNN noted that there was a larger crater next to the building, but observed that the building appeared not to have collapsed as a result of the Israeli strike.

Why would the civilians who had supposedly taken shelter in the basement of the building not leave after the post-midnight attack? They just went back to sleep and had the bad luck to wait for the building to collapse in the morning?

National Public Radio's correspondent reported that residents of that building had left and the victims were non-residents who chose to shelter in the building that night. They were "too poor" to leave the down, one resident told CNN's Wedeman. Who were these people?

What we do know is that sometime after dawn a call went hour to journalists and rescue workers to come to the scene. And come they did, in droves.

While Hezbollah and its apologists have been claiming that civilians could not freely flee the scene due to Israeli destruction of bridges and roads, the journalists and rescue teams from nearby Tyre had no problem getting there.

Lebanese rescue teams did not start evacuating the building until the morning and only after the camera crews came. The absence of a real rescue effort was explained by saying that equipment was lacking. There were no scenes of live or injured people being extracted.

There was little blood, CNN's Wedeman noted: all the victims, he concluded, appeared to have died while as they were sleeping -- sleeping, apparently, through thunderous Israeli air attacks. Rescue workers equipped with cameras were removing the bodies from the same opening in the collapsed structure. Journalists were not allowed near the collapsed building.

Rescue workers filmed as they went carried the victims on the stretchers, occasionally flipping up the blankets so that cameras could show the faces and bodies of the dead.

But Israelis steeled to scenes of carnage from Palestinian suicide bombings and Hezbollah rocket attack could not help but notice that these victims did not look like our victims. Their faces were ashen gray. Their limbs appeared to have stiffened, from rigor mortis. Neither were effects that would have resulted from an Israeli attack hours before. These were bodies that looked like they had been dead for days.

Viewers can judge for themselves. But the accumulating evidence suggests another explanation for what happened at Kana. The scenario would be a setup in which the time between the initial Israeli bombing near the building and morning reports of its collapse would have been used to "plant" bodies killed in previous fighting -- reports in previous days indicated that nearby Tyre was used as a temporary morgue -- place them in the basement, and then engineer a "controlled demolition" to fake another Israeli attack.

The well-documented use by Palestinians of this kind of faked footage -- from the alleged shooting of Mohammed Dura in Gaza, scenes from Jenin of "dead" victims falling off gurneys and then climbing back on -- have merited the creation of a new film genre called "Palliwood."

There is increasing evidence that the Kana sequel is another episode in this genre, a variety which might be called Hezbollywood. The Hezbollah have evidently learned their craft well.

The current suspension of Israeli military air activity is supposedly intended, among other things, to be used for the investigation of what really happened at Qana. It is to be hoped that there are real journalists on the scene, and unbiased medical examiners, who will have the courage and intelligence to sort out the anomalies and contradictions, and get to the buried truth of what happened.

There is no shortage of victims in Lebanon and Israel these days. From this vantage point, at this time, it looks like in the case of Qana, the world's media was duped in a cruel and colossal hoax by a terror organization that knows no moral bounds in its exploitation of suffering and anti-Israel hatred. But, as usual, the only party expected to pay the full price will be Israelis.

Yes, it would be a Hollywood ending for it all to end in Qana, exactly as it did a decade ago. But perfect endings, and perfect crimes, are rarely pulled off in real life.

Israelis will not be able to investigate this claim directly. The question remains whether honest men and women of other nationalities will let this likely lie stand or press for the revelation of the improbable and inconvenient truth.

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The Omega Letter Intelligence Digest
Vol: 58 Issue: 31 - Monday, July 31, 2006
The Omega Letter

The Burden of Jerusalem NEWS

"And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it." (Zechariah 12:3)

For most of Israel's existence, it seemed unlikely that 'all the people of the earth' would gather against it over the issue of Jerusalem. Oh, it is clear enough that antisemitism is alive and well on Planet Earth and that the one universal constant in human history is hatred of the Jews for the offense of BEING Jews.

It is even clear why. God said that is how it would be, as part of His overall plan for Israel's national redemption on the last day.

"Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah, and the kings thereof, and the princes thereof, to make them a desolation, an astonishment, an hissing, and a curse; as it is this day;" (Jeremiah 25:18)

Israel's history throughout the Church Age until the final generation was predicted in a single sentence by the prophet Jeremiah.

"I will persecute them with the sword, with the famine, and with the pestilence, and will deliver them to be removed to all the kingdoms of the earth, to be a curse, and an astonishment, and an hissing, and a reproach, among all the nations whither I have driven them:" (25:18)

But Isaiah prophesied that, in the last days, "I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west; I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring My sons from far, and My daughters from the ends of the earth; Even every one that is called by My Name: for I have created him for My glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him." (Isaiah 43:5-7)

Israel is universally hated, not for anything the Jews have actually done to anybody, but for whom they claim to be; "God's Chosen People."

Even those who don't believe in God hate the Jews for their claimed 'special relationship' but nobody hates them more than those who claim to the title of 'Christian'.

It is no wonder that Jews fear and distrust Christians. For two thousand years, they were persecuted and executed under the shadow of the Cross. Throughout the Middle Ages, they were persecuted as 'Christ-killers'. The Nazis claimed the Holocaust as a holy Christian mission to rid the world of Jews.

Any other ethnic group, whether Arab, European, African, Indian, etc., can shed their ethnic identity.

But Jews can't. And if they could, the rest of the world won't let them. Jews have been born, lived and died in every country on earth, but their country of birth was never more than a temporary 'host' country.

The first country on the face of the earth to extend full citizenship rights to Jews was the United States of America. In every other country where Jews ever lived, they were merely 'German Jews' or 'Iraqi Jews' or 'British Jews'; subject to periodic pogroms, deportations or forced conversions.

But those who revile the Jews for claiming the title of 'God's Chosen People' don't understand what God chose the Jews FOR.

"For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in." (Romans 11:25)

The Apostle Paul makes it clear that God chose to impose spiritual blindness on Israel for the sake of the Gentiles. Consider this. Had the Jews accepted Christ at His First Advent, then the Church would never have existed.

As already noted, people who deny Christ will justify their antisemitism using the same libel.

Why do I say it is a 'libel' -- a historical untruth? After all, when Pilate washed his hands of responsibility for the execution of Jesus, saying, "I am innocent of the blood of this just Person: see ye to it," the Jewish mob chanted in reply, "His blood be on us, and on our children." (Mathew 27:24-25)

Jesus was tried and convicted by the Jewish Supreme Court, the Sanhedrin, in an illegal trial in which no fewer than 13 Jewish laws were broken. Since the Jews, being an occupied province of Rome, were not sovereign, their courts could not order an execution. Which is why they took it to Pilate in the first place.

So, if the Jews themselves, following an illegal trial, had Jesus murdered at the hands of an unwilling occupation authority who would have preferred to have released Him, why is it a 'libel' to call Jews 'Christ-killers?'

Jesus told His disciples, "Therefore doth My Father love Me, because I lay down My life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again." (John 10:17-18) No man COULD have taken Jesus' life. Not Pilate, not the Jews, not Satan or his legions.

In the Temptation in the Wilderness, Satan quoted Psalms 91:11-12, which says, "For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone."

If Jesus alone had the power lay down His life, and that no man could 'take' it, then the crime cannot be laid to any human being's charge. Indeed, at the Cross, Jesus cried, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34)

If Jesus pronounced their forgiveness at the Cross for participating in a pre-ordained and necessary sacrifice in which Jesus VOLUNTARILY laid down His life as a propitiation for all sin, how then, can the modern Jews be responsible for the sins of their fathers?

Especially when the One against Whom they sinned had already forgiven them at the Cross for their participation?

In John 16:1-2, Jesus tells His disciples (all Jews of Israel), "These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service."

What an incredible prophecy! Not only were the Jews put out of the synagogues at some point in history in virtually every country they had adopted, the persecution of the Jews was always for the specific crime of being the 'killers of Christ'.

History is filled with stories of pogroms, confiscations, expulsions, attempted genocide and persecutions against Jews, all in the Name of Christ. In every case, it was presented as a case of 'doing God a service' by avenging Christ's murder.

To the world, the existence of Israel is a thorn in its collective side. Because Israel is a thorn in the side of the god of this world. He has thrown everything he could at the Jew for two thousand years, trying to wipe him from the face of the earth and break God's prophetic promise of Israel's national redemption in the last days.

The survival of the Jew, and the restoration of Israel to the land is proof positive that God remains on the Throne, that His Word will NOT return to Him void, and that all the chaos and terror of the world notwithstanding, all continues to go according to His plan.

And, that these ARE the last days.

"But these things have I told you, that WHEN THE TIME SHALL COME, ye may remember that I told you of them." (John 16:4)


The global outrage being turned on Israel for the weekend airstrike against Qana amply demonstrates the depth and breadth of global antisemistism. Consider the known facts:

Israel has video of Hezbollah terrorists firing rockets from Qana, near the building that they struck. Before they struck Qana, they dropped warning leaflets to the civilian population.

The building itself did not collapse until some eight hours after Israel's initial strike. And all the victims were found underneath the collapsed building. The victims were all women and children.

No men of fighting age were killed. More than 1600 rockets were fired into Israel by Hezbollah in the last three weeks, and Sunday's barrage was the most intense Israel has been subjected to so far.

And the most salient fact of all:

Israel is responding to an unprovoked attack in which its territory was invaded, its citizens killed and two of its soldiers kidnapped as hostages in an act the United Nations international conventions define as a war crime.

The world's reaction? Lebanon's Prime Minister publicly thanked Hezbollah for its war on Israel. The United Nations condemned Israel, despite the obvious fact that Hezbollah pointed Israeli warplanes like a gun at a building it had crammed with women and children.

SOMETHING caused the building to fall on those people eight hours after Israel struck it. And something or someone kept those in the basement from fleeing until it collapsed on them. Nobody except Israel has even considered the only viable explanation that fits the known facts.

That Hezbollah murdered those women and children in order to pressure Israel into a ceasefire.

Such is the world's hatred of Israel that Hezbollah gets a complete pass, whereas Israel is universally blamed as if it deliberatedly targeted civilians. While Hezbollah continues to target ONLY civilians. What global animosity exists for Hezbollah is reserved for the non-Jewish blood on their hands.

The US justifies its position against Hezbollah by pointing out that it has more American blood on its hands than any other terror group except al-Qaeda. Israeli blood shed by Hezbollah, in American eyes, isn't even adequate justification for ISRAELI to attack Hezbollah.

Fatah's hands are dripping with Jewish blood. Fatah was founded by Yasser Arafat. But Fatah and its leader, Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, is completely supported by Washington.

Jesus forgave the Jews for their participation in His Death, because 'they knew not what' they were doing.

Had Jesus not been handed over to the Romans for crucifixion by the Jews, then His blood would not have been shed for the sins of all mankind. "He came unto His own, and His own received Him not." (John 1:11)

Think about those who participated in His Death. The Jews who condemned Him. The soldiers Who scourged Him. The crowds who reviled and spit on Him. The entire plan was ordained before the world began, but the plan required the participation of human beings.

Consequently, as He hung on the Cross, He looked over the crowd of people who HAD to be there, and He said, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34)

God chose them to do His dirty work. Then He forgave them for it. But the world never did.

Zechariah's incredible prophecy, made over 2,500 years ago, is that all the peoples of the world will one day gather against her over the issue of ownership of Jerusalem.

Since Jerusalem is a Jewish city, with a Jewish name, founded by the Jewish King David, prophesying that its ownership would even be in question defies logical explanation, let alone that the whole world would gather together to support the other side's claim.

There is a legendary story told of Frederick the Great, who, in a crisis of faith, cried out for someone to provide him with concrete evidence of the existence of God.

One of his counsellors reportedly replied;"Have you considered the Jew, your Majesty?"

The Bible says that God Himself will redeem the Jewish people. "And so ALL Israel shall be saved," writes the Apostle Paul. (Romans 11:26)

I confess I don't know how He will accomplish it, or exactly what 'ALL Israel' entails, but the promise is that it will be accomplished 'after the fullness of the Gentiles be come in' (Romans 11:25).

Since I expect to be Raptured after the full complement of the Gentiles who will come to Christ have come to Christ, it doesn't really make much difference to me. I just know I have God's Word on it.

That's good enough for me.

Until then, I will continue to pray for Israel and her people that God will grant them victory over their enemies. Until He comes.

Archives of past issues of The Omega Letter Intelligence Digest plus many other Omega Letter member features can be found at:

The Omega Letter is published daily by Jack Kinsella and exists through subscriptions and free will contributions.

MessiNews - A ministry of adot adonai in Grimsby UK.

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by Yossi Klein Halevi

In Lebanon and Gaza, Israel is holding Arabs responsible for their own fate.

Three times in the last century, the Jewish people has found itself on the front line against totalitarian ideologies with aspirations to rule the world, and which defined the Jewish people as its primary obstacle in fulfilling that goal. For Nazism, the Jew was not only the source of racial impurity but inventor of conscience, crippling humanity's survival instincts in an amoral world. For Soviet communism, the Jew was the source of capitalism, and Zionism the front line of imperialism. And now, for fundamentalist Islam, the Jew is the satanic enemy, and the Jewish state an abomination against God that must be destroyed.

Though Israeli officials are calling the conflict with Hezbollah and Hamas an "operation," it is, in fact, a war. Ultimately, the war will transcend its Iranian proxies and engage Iran itself. One crucial result must be the destruction of Iran's nuclear capability, which would provide the religious genocidalists with the ability to turn theology into practice. Imagine Israel confronting a Hezbollah backed by a nuclear Iran. Would we be able to defend our northern border knowing that an attack on Hezbollah could provoke an Iranian nuclear attack against Tel Aviv?

That prospect is not inconceivable: Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believes that the Muslim messianic age is about to be inaugurated by the destruction of Israel. Certainly Israel has the capacity to deliver an overwhelming second strike. But the balance of terror that worked during the cold war against the Soviet Union may fail against an enemy that welcomes death as a prelude to eternal life. A nuclear Iran could be the ultimate suicide bomber.

The war of the missiles in Lebanon and in Gaza is actually the second stage of the war that began six years ago. Erroneously, self-defeatingly, Israelis accepted the Palestinian terminology, and called the wave of Islamist suicide bombings that started in September 2000 "the second intifada." Unlike the intifada of the late 1980s, however, which united Palestinian Christians and Muslims against the occupation, the war that began in 2000 has been led by Islamists, after Israel tried to end the occupation. Not coincidentally, there have been no Christian suicide bombers. The Palestinian cause had shifted from national struggle to jihad.

Nevertheless, some insist on distinguishing between Hezbollah and Hamas. While Hezbollah is an operational extension of the Shia Iranian revolution, Hamas, they argue, represents the national aspirations of the Palestinian people. In fact, Hamas represents the undoing of Palestinian national aspirations. For Hamas, a Palestinian state is merely a means to an end: the resurrection of the medieval Caliphate and the transformation of the Middle East into a single Islamist state.

The rise of Hamas, then, has completed the process, which began with the suicide bombings, of Islamizing the conflict. The so-called second intifada has destroyed the achievement of the first intifada, which convinced a majority of Israelis that former Prime Minister Golda Meir had been wrong to insist there was no Palestinian people and that a distinct Palestinian identity had indeed emerged. In rejecting mere nationalism, Hamas is returning the Palestinians to their pre-national consciousness, when Palestinians were part of an amorphous Arab or Muslim identity. The first casualty of the jihad, then, has been a viable Palestinian national identity, and, with it, the possibility of a viable Palestinian state.

What unites Shia Hezbollah and Sunni Hamas is the theology of genocide. Both organizations preach that the Holocaust never happened, even as they actively plan the next one. According to the Hamas Covenant, every ill in the world, from the French Revolution to the two world wars, was provoked by the Jews. For its part, Hezbollah's Al Manar TV station spread the story that the Mossad was behind September 11 and warned 4,000 Jews who worked in the Twin Towers to stay home that day -- a calumny that was accepted, according to polls, by majorities throughout the Muslim world.

The grievance of the Islamists isn't only that they were conquered and occupied but that they have failed, so far, to conquer and occupy. Like Hezbollah, Hamas won't "moderate" with the responsibility of power. To believe otherwise is to underestimate the power of religion. For Hamas is not a political movement but a faith. And for Hamas to abandon its goal of Israel's destruction is to commit heresy against the core of that faith. Religious change, even among fundamentalists, is surely possible; but it is a process measured not in months but in decades, or centuries.

Indulging Rejectionism

In targeting Lebanon and Gaza, Israel is sending a simultaneous message: It is time for the Arab world to take responsibility for its actions. What Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas and Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora share is a helplessness -- to some extent self-inflicted -- against the terrorists in their midst. In large measure, the Oslo process failed because the international community allowed Palestinians to continue to act as victims, rather than as responsible peace partners prepared to exploit the extraordinary circumstances they enjoyed for creating a state.

Those circumstances included virtually unlimited international political and financial support, and the willingness of a majority of Israelis -- induced, in part, by a justifiable guilty conscience -- to consider previously unthinkable scenarios, like ceding part of Jerusalem to Yasir Arafat. Imagine what the Tibetans or the Kurds could have done with that level of political goodwill and foreign aid. Indeed, billions of dollars in international aid have gone to the Palestinian Authority. Perhaps the greatest defeat the Palestinians inflicted on themselves was to lose the patience of at least part of the international community and, most of all, the Israeli guilty conscience.

Yet many continue to indulge Palestinian rejectionism. Astonishingly, Israel still needs to prove that it offered a credible and contiguous Palestinian state at Camp David in July 2000, and not, as Palestinian leaders put it, a series of "Bantustans." What doubt remained from Camp David should have been dispelled five months later when Israel accepted President Clinton's proposals -- ceding almost the entirety of the West Bank, all of Gaza, and three-quarters of the Old City of Jerusalem. The Palestinian counter-offer was suicide bombings.

The tendency of much of the international community to excuse every Palestinian failure has helped convince Palestinians that victimization -- even when it is self-willed -- affords immunity from responsibility. Many foreign journalists with whom I've spoken in recent weeks accept the Palestinian argument that the rocket attacks from the 1967 Gaza border into sovereign Israel are legitimate, or at least understandable, given that Israel continues to occupy the West Bank. Yet that argument ignores the historic Palestinian failure to exploit the Gaza withdrawal, which created the first sovereign Palestinian territory.

Had the Palestinians shown the most minimal effort at statebuilding -- for example, applying foreign aid to rehabilitate refugee camps -- the Israeli public would have supported a return to the negotiating table. Instead, the Palestinian national movement proved again that it is more keen on subverting the Jewish state than on creating a Palestinian state. And so one more opportunity for a negotiated end to the conflict was lost.

Responsible Adults

In conversations I've had over the years with Palestinians, invariably my interlocutor would offer a version of the following: You and I, we are little people. The "big ones" are only interested in themselves. They don't care if we suffer. I used to find that sentiment moving, an attempt by Palestinians to create a common humanity with Israelis. But now I see it as an expression of self-induced helplessness, precisely why the Palestinians and the Lebanese have allowed our common tragedy to reach this point.

Israel's attack on Lebanon, holding it responsible for what occurs in its territory, is not a violation of Lebanese sovereignty but an affirmation of it. And in targeting the democratically elected Hamas government, Israel is telling the Palestinians that there is a price to pay for empowering the theology of genocide. If the only alternative to a corrupt Fatah that Palestinian society can generate is a non-corrupt Hamas, then Palestine will become a pariah. Israel's policy, then, is to stop patronizing the Lebanese and the Palestinians and relate to them as adults responsible for their fate.

Some in the Arab world are beginning to understand this. In an article published in the Kuwaiti newspaper Arab Times, the editor-in-chief, Ahmed Al Jarallah, wrote:

This war was inevitable as the Lebanese government couldn't bring Hezbollah within its authority and make it work for the interests of Lebanon. Similarly leader of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas has been unable to rein in the Hamas movement. Unfortunately we must admit that in such a war the only way to get rid of 'these irregular phenomena' is what Israel is doing. The operations of Israel in Gaza and Lebanon are in the interest of the people of Arab countries and the international community.

The war, then, is not only inciting Islamists, but may, potentially, embolden moderates. The extraordinary Saudi -- along with Egyptian and Jordanian -- condemnation of Hezbollah marks the first time in any of Israel's wars that a significant chunk of the Arab world has publicly blamed Arab aggression for starting hostilities. This could create an opening for a tacit Israeli alliance with moderate Arabs against the Islamist, and particularly Iranian, threat. Just as we need to be resolute against the pathologies of the Middle East, so we need to be open to its changes. The responsibility of the people of Israel is not only to be on the front line against terror but to be on the front line for reconciliation. Not only to help stop evil, but to help empower the good.

Territorial Withdrawal

So far, Israel enjoys three crucial strategic advantages in this war: unequivocal American support, a divided Arab world, and, most crucial of all, a united Israeli people. Arguably not since the 1973 Yom Kippur War has Israel been as determined in war as it is today. Though some restlessness has begun -- an antiwar rally in Tel Aviv drew 2,500 people -- most of the left supports the invasion. Indeed, Peace Now and other Zionist left-wing groups stayed away from the Tel Aviv rally.

One reason for the absence of serious left-wing opposition is the fact that Amir Peretz, our most dovish mainstream politician, happens to be running the war as defense minister. Peretz's ideological credentials are compensation for his lack of military ones: Just as Ariel Sharon helped insure broad support for withdrawal from Gaza, so Peretz is insuring broad support for the reinvasion of Gaza and Lebanon.

Most of the left understands that this is a war, in part, for the viability of the concept of territorial withdrawal. For years the left assured the Israeli public that, in the event of withdrawal, Israel would resist any subsequent aggression with determination, unity, and international legitimacy. In Lebanon and Gaza, then, two fronts from which Israel has already withdrawn to the green line (Israel also withdrew to the green line on the Egyptian border in 1982), that premise is now being tested. If the left defects from the war effort, triggering international pressure, then the Israeli public will rightly despair of future withdrawals.

Most of all, this is a war for the viability of Israeli deterrence. After Israel unilaterally withdrew from Lebanon in May 2000, Hezbollah leader Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah described the Jewish state as a "spider web": Just as a spider web seems solid from a distance but disintegrates when swiped, so Israel will collapse under the pressure of Arab resolve. The "spider web" speech, as it came to be known, is very much in the mind of Israelis today as we belatedly try to restore our lost deterrence, without which the Jewish state will not survive long in the Middle East.

Israel tried to avoid this war, to the point of endangering its most basic credibility. For months we allowed Palestinian groups to shell Israeli towns on the Gaza border with virtual immunity. And for six years we turned away as Iran supplied Hezbollah with thousands of long-range rockets and built a vast infrastructure literally meters across our border. When three Israeli soldiers were kidnapped by Hezbollah in October 2000, then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak didn't massively retaliate, preferring to negotiate a prisoner exchange. Among some Israeli journalists, Nasrallah was considered a "responsible" leader, capable of insuring quiet in the north, rather than biding his time and awaiting instructions from Iran to act.

The Jewish people is once again being forced to act as a brake against evil. This is not a repetition of the first Lebanon war, but a return to our consensus wars of survival -- not a Vietnam moment but a World War II moment. That is why Israel fights, and why it will win.

Reprinted from The New Republic

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Author Biography:
Yossi Klein Halevi is a foreign correspondent for The New Republic and senior fellow of the Shalem Center in Jerusalem.

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The Revelation of  the Joy of the Lord to the Army of GOD!


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